Greetings Members,
I’m not a fan of these Polar Vortexes, so on a warmer note 48 days until Spring. We apologize for any inconvenience, but we are having the Dining Room painted at the beginning of this month. Thank you to everyone on the Maintenance Committee for sprucing up Our Post. If you haven't already got your tickets for the Auxiliary Basket Raffle, they will be on sale until the 15th and will be pulled at the Valentine Dance. Generation Gap will be on stage for the Dance from 7 PM—10 PM. Gift Card BINGO will be next month and pre-sale tickets will go on sale shortly.
Our VOD and Patriots PEN Award ceremony was canceled last month and will be held at the Post on Sunday February 16th at 1:00PM.
The Riders are gearing up for this season’s events, so watch the monitors for their upcoming events. Thank you to all Members, for without your Support, None of this would be possible.
Dates to Remember
Feb 2 Groundhogs Day
Feb 3 Four Chaplains Day
Feb 4 USO Birthday
Feb 14 Valentines Day
Feb 15 Valentine’s Dance with Generation Gap
Feb 16 VOD and PP award Ceremony
Feb 17 President’s Day
Feb 19 Coast Guard Reserve Birthday
Yours in True Comradeship
Chris Ruff
Lloyd W. Greenwood
President of the Home Association