Welcome to the February edition of the stewards corner or the newest on-line dating site for singles, couples, swingers, or just about anyone who likes good food at great prices. We’ll match you with great savings, a good time, and delicious food. There is no app, but you can go directly to our website or face-book page to (hook up with a good time). February brings a few things for us to have a good time with. First off, the Big Game on Feb. 9th, we will have food, and drink specials from kick off, to game end. There will be football food and 25 cents off beverages from game time until game end. We will also Start a Saturday Night Dinner Club to All Members whom are in on Saturday Night and have dinner in the dining room will be entered into a drawing for a $20.00 gift card. The drawing will happen weekly and the winner will be contacted and posted. On the 14th, we will have Surf & Turf or Surf & Surf Dinner for that special night. Then save up some energy for dancing when the band Generation Gap will be here on the 15th. We also have had a member and his son whom have come out and played guitar just for experience which has gotten us wondering how many members play an instrument, sing, or have a desire to try their hand at stand up comedy or have another skill to show off and would be interested in open mic night or an amateur afternoon. Anyone interested can contact me by e-mail @ vforeignwars_955@comcast.net attention amateur.
Larry Myers
Steward West York VFW